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18 Ocak 2013 Cuma

Introducing Bartın Province 2

Districts of the province of Bartin, Amasra, and Ulus'tur Kurucaşile.
Amasra: city center, north of the steep slopes of the Black Sea brings together the seven hills of Bartin, five on the peninsula and two islands kurulmuştur.İlçe 'major source of income in the tourism sector. The unique natural structure, observe the history of 3000 years in 1940 since the sixties Amasra 's tourism has been a center of attraction. The remedied in charge of tourism infrastructure in recent years Amasra the summer - tourists flock in the winter.
Kurucaşile City Centre, Bartin bays bounded by the north-east of olive and sandalwood on the nose, between the villages kurulmuştur.Karaman Square seal cave fish off the coast there are dimensions of 10x10x10.
Nation: Bartin south-easterly direction, and production from the nation to the north junction of streams. Waterfall and canyon near the village has had occurred.
The average altitude is 2500 meters, Bartin, the relative heights Globe mountains towards the coast is the most important internal parts. Bartin Bartin, who named the river (Parthenious) 14 kilometers in length. Uluyayla, Juniper, shields and Zoni (Arit) plateaus in the province.
Bartin generates 46 percent of their forests. Bartin wet winters, mild summers the Black Sea climate prevails.
Bartin, Black Sea Region is located in the western section. Bartin and the environment despite the lack of precise information about the first settlers of the region to the region's first yerleşenlerinin BC 14. Gaşkalar century, is thought to be coming from. With the start of Hittite Empire to become a major force in the region came to an end the domination of Gaşka. After the collapse of the Hittite Empire, Lydians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, the region of Bithynia and the Kingdom became a judge. Roman period, Bartin, military and economic reasons, are known to gain importance. Roman Empire after Christ 395 Eastern Roman lands in the region are shown to be diverged. After this period, the region continued effectiveness of the Byzantine, 13 century after the Turks came to Anatolia and the surrounding area Bartin Candar principality known to dominance.

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